Tuesday, July 5, 2011

{MADE}:: Wooden Spoon

This little project is still in the works but I wanted to give you a sneak peek at the lastest thing I've been working on. I mentioned in my last MADE post that a friend and I were going to make 5 things last week. Well that didn't happen and here's why... we jumped the gun and enrolled in a woodworking course. It is a really short community education class (6 weeks/ 1 day a week) but we are ambitious and hope to make a spectacular final product. During our first class we introduced ourselves and had to take a safety test regarding all of the equipment. We were also given small chunks of wood to re-orient ourselves with some of the machinery. Here is what I started to make...

The instructor had some examples of pieces he made in the past and I really enjoyed the ergonomics of one of his pieces. Here is a close-up view of the handle grooves.

... and another view...

Now I still have a lot of sanding and shaping to do but you can get the general gist of it.


  1. Beautiful start! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. I'm impressed. Really tactile looking and beautiful grain.

  3. what a beautiful spoon it will be...
    looks like it sits so well in your hand.

  4. Very cool - look forward to seeing the finished product!

  5. Wow, way to go! Working your creative muscles, eh?

  6. Thanks ladies! I am definitely flexing those dormant creative muscles and it feels great!
